1 minute read

Why should you learn Assembly?

Learning Assembly language is an essential skill, particularly in cybersecurity fields such as malware analysis, reverse engineering, and exploit development. However, its benefits extend far beyond cybersecurity. Understanding Assembly helps you grasp how the underlying layers of a computer work covering topics like memory layout, system calls, input/output (I/O) operations, and function subroutines. This deeper insight improves your ability to visualize and reason about how programs work, whether they are simple scripts or complex systems. Gaining this foundational knowledge can significantly enhance your overall programming skills before you dive into more advanced topics.

How to start?

Here are my recommendations for beginners to get started with x86 Assembly language.

  • Start with a Good Book:

    A great starting point is the book Programming from the Ground Up by Jonathan Bartlett, available book link. This resource offers a solid introduction to computer architecture with examples that progress from basic to advanced. It uses x86 Assembly with AT&T syntax and the GNU Assembler, and its clear language makes it easy to follow. I also practiced the examples from the book on my GitHub repository, which you can check out repository.

  • Watch Organized Video Tutorials:

    Another excellent resource is the YouTube playlist by Dr. Josh Stroschein, available playlist. This well-organized series is designed for beginners, offering clear introductions and practical examples. It covers x86 Assembly using Intel syntax with the NASM assembler.

  • Web Interactive

    If you would prefer reading articles and interactive question/answer formats, there are several great resources available:

    1. x86 Architecture Overview:

      A comprehensive overview of x86 architecture on TryHackMe, ideal for beginners to understand the basics of x86 architecture.

    2. x86 Assembly Crash Course:

      Also on TryHackMe, this crash course takes you through the fundamentals of x86 Assembly programming, with interactive lessons and exercises.

    3. Windows x64 Assembly:

      Another TryHackMe room focused on Windows x64 Assembly programming, offering a mix of theoretical and practical exercises.

    These platforms are a great way to engage with assembly language in an interactive format, where you can both learn and test your skills with practical challenges.
