Cyber Security
eLearnSecurity Certified Mobile Application Penetration Tester eMAPT
- Information Gathering
- Reverse engineering Android applications
- Exploit Android vulnerabilities
- Applied security principles
- Logic flaws
- Exploit development for Android environments
- Encryption and cryptography
- Identify vulnerable implementations
eLearnSecurity Certified Exploit Developer eCXD
- Windows and Linux internals
- Reverse engineering (x86 and x64 platforms)
- Software debugging
- Shellcoding
- Windows and Linux exploit development (including scripting knowledge)
- Bypassing modern anti-exploit mechanisms (ASLR/PIE, Stack Cookie, NX/DEP, RELRO etc.)
- Exploiting hardened hosts and overcoming limitations
eLearnSecurity Certified Malware Analysis Professional eCMAP
- Run a malware and tracking its activity
- Reverse Engineering and/or unpacking malware
- Ability to debug malware step-by-step
- Identify how the malware achieves obfuscation
- Identify C2 channels and what they are used for
- Bypass anti-analysis techniques
- Locate and analyze dropped and downloaded malware as well as persistence mechanisms